Vice President Kamala Harris took an extreme stance on abortion rights during a recent NBC News interview, declaring that she would not consider religious exemptions and would require Catholic hospitals to perform abortions, framing women's reproductive choices as non-negotiable.

In an extreme stance on reproductive rights, Vice President Kamala Harris firmly opposed the idea of religious exemptions to abortion during a recent interview with NBC News. As the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, Harris asserted that making concessions regarding such a fundamental freedom is unacceptable, emphasizing the importance of a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body.
When asked by NBC News Senior Washington Correspondent Hallie Jackson if she would consider religious exemptions if Republicans gained control of Congress, Harris replied, “I don’t think we should be making concessions when we’re talking about a fundamental freedom.” Her statement underscored her commitment to protecting abortion rights, which she sees as a non-negotiable aspect of women's healthcare.
Moreover, Harris's position raises significant implications for Catholic hospitals and similar institutions, as she would require them to perform abortions despite their religious beliefs. This mandate could ignite fierce debates over the balance between reproductive rights and religious freedom in healthcare.
Harris further elaborated on her position when Jackson inquired whether she might extend an “olive branch” to moderate Republicans like Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. The Vice President dismissed the notion of hypotheticals, reiterating, “A basic freedom has been taken from the women of America… that cannot be negotiable.” She called for reinstating the protections of Roe v. Wade, framing the issue as essential to women's rights.
Harris pointed to former Rep. Liz Cheney’s criticism of the repercussions following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling, reinforcing her message that the freedom to choose should be protected without exception. She stated, “It has to be that we agree that it is so fundamental that we allow women the ability, with their doctor, and if they choose, talking with their faith leader, to be able to make these decisions and not have the government tell her what to do.”
With her unwavering position on abortion rights, including the requirement for Catholic hospitals to provide abortions, Harris is clearly setting the stage for a campaign that prioritizes women's autonomy and healthcare, positioning herself as a strong advocate against any limitations on reproductive choices.