Justices Breyer and Ginsburg took combined 390 undisclosed trips, nearly 100 overseas.

While Democrats continue to attack the Supreme Court for not reporting trips taken and personal hospitality, they leave out two important fact in their attempt to smear the reputation of the court. One is that the Judicial Conference itself said until 2023 that trips of personal hospitality should not be disclosed and there is no rule requiring the disclosure.
But most importantly these Democrat attack dogs expose their hypocracy by screaming about Justice Thomas but conveniently forgetting that their champion Justice Breyer took 233 such trips including 68 of them overseas. Justice Ginsburg an Icon of the left failed to report 157 trips, 28 of them overseas.
“Sadly, no one ever accused Dick Durbin has having any integrity. He is a clown who seems intent on destroying all of our democratic institutions,” A close court observer said.