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REM Singer "Its the End of the World as We Know it" Biden Must Go

Staff Writer

R.E.M. singer Michael Stipe is urging President Joe Biden to "please step down" after a NATO press conference riddled with gaffes, reflecting a growing call from celebrities for Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.

R.E.M. singer Michael Stipe is urging President Joe Biden to "please step down" following a NATO press conference riddled with blunders in front of concerned world leaders.

“President Biden, respectfully — Please step down,” Stipe wrote in an Instagram Story on Thursday. He added, “Pass the torch now, and help us as an advisor to your successor. Thank you.” The “Losing My Religion” singer included a screenshot of Biden speaking at the NATO summit this week.

During the solo press conference, Biden mistakenly confused Vice President Kamala Harris with former President Donald Trump and introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Stipe’s plea for Biden to step down joins a growing chorus of celebrities urging the president to remove himself from the Democratic Party’s 2024 presidential ticket, following his poor performance in the June 27 debate against Trump.

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