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The Left Begins To Turn On Biden

Staff Writer

In the midst of Joe Biden's struggle to maintain traction against Donald Trump's resurgence, a chorus of voices within liberal circles is growing louder, urging a reevaluation of strategy and leadership. As Biden's lead shrinks and doubts about his candidacy mount, a critical question emerges: can the Democrats pivot before it's too late?

President Joe Biden finds himself falling behind, a predicament increasingly attributed to his own actions, according to liberal commentators. Ezra Klein of The New York Times outlined seven theories on why Biden trails former President Donald Trump, emphasizing that it's not a Democratic-wide issue but rather a specific challenge for Biden himself.

In states where Democratic Senate candidates are leading, Biden's lag behind Trump stands out. Jonathan Chait of New York magazine highlighted this as a "Joe Biden problem," distinct from broader party issues. Consequently, some Democratic candidates are distancing themselves from Biden, acknowledging concerns among voters about his age and the seriousness of the choice he represents.

Speculation arises about the potential for reverse coattails, with Democrats running ahead of Biden in battleground states. Jeremy Mayer even suggests in a USA Today op-ed that Biden should consider stepping aside, as he's perceived as one of the few Democrats who might inadvertently aid Trump's reelection.

The idea of a surprise nomination at the convention is floated, with Douglas MacKinnon proposing alternative candidates like California Gov. Gavin Newsom or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. This notion is backed by the belief that until the convention, there remains a realistic opportunity to switch out Biden for a more viable contender, a prospect desired by many Democratic voters.

While Republicans fear such a scenario, the practicality seems limited, given Biden's primary successes and the complexities of replacing a candidate who hasn't faced a fair challenge in the primaries. However, the fact that such discussions are happening within elite Democratic circles indicates a growing unease within the Biden camp.

Despite calls for patience from the Biden campaign, concerns persist among allies and commentators. Klein warns against ignoring polling trends, suggesting that adjusting course may be necessary for a chance at victory.

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