The U.S. House Committee has subpoenaed Democrat vice-presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz, demanding documents related to his handling of a $250 million fraud scandal involving the "Feeding Our Future" program.

The U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce has subpoenaed Democrat vice-presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) for documents related to his handling of a major fraud case involving taxpayer dollars.
Committee Chair Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the subpoena on Wednesday, demanding documents about Walz's actions and responsibilities concerning the alleged fraud in the "Feeding Our Future" program. The program, which was supposed to help feed children during the pandemic, is under scrutiny for allegedly misappropriating $250 million, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office of Minnesota.
A June report from the Office of Legislative Auditor (OLA) criticized the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) for inadequate oversight of the program, which led to significant opportunities for fraud. The MDE, which administers federal child nutrition programs, failed to act on red flags about the meal programs, the report stated.
As governor, Walz is responsible for the MDE’s administration of these programs, which receive federal reimbursement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Foxx's letter highlights that previous requests for information from the MDE have been met with insufficient responses, prompting the need for a formal subpoena.
Foxx's letter accuses Walz and other executive officials of inadequately addressing the fraud and questions their public statements about the matter. Walz has been criticized for not holding relevant agencies accountable, despite claims from his administration that corrective actions were taken.
Walz is required to produce the requested documents by noon on September 18.